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Miyerkules, Mayo 18, 2011

40,000 join Manila rally vs RH bill

By Jeannette Andrade
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 05:01:00 03/26/2011

Filed Under: Churches (organisations), Population, Legislation,Protest, Religion & Belief

MANILA, Philippines—Braving the heat, some 40,000 opponents of the controversial Reproductive Health Bill staged a show of force at the Rizal Park on Friday.
The crowd, coming from Metro Manila and different provinces, began massing as early as 2 p.m. at the Quirino Grandstand for the prayer-for-life rally organized by the country’s Roman Catholic Church.
In a statement read at the rally by Manila AuxiliaryBishop Broderick Pabillo, Vatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, S.D.B., urged Filipinos to firm up in their commitment to defend life and the family against attempts to devalue them.
Bertone acknowledged that Filipinos were “passing through a difficult period in all that concerns life and its defense.”
“The Church is not indifferent in such moments because She believes that life is sacred, a gift from God who calls man to cooperate with Him, aided by a deep sense of responsibility for his actions,” Bertone said.
He cited Pope Benedict XVI’s commendation of theChurch in the Philippines for its “defense of the integrity of marriage and the family.”
Bertone concluded: “Strengthened by this clear message, I again encourage you and all who value the human person to be firm in your commitment to honorGod and, by doing so, to manifest a deep love for life and for its protection at this time.”
God’s greatest gift
Opponents of the RH bill have said that the measure would propagate the use of artificial contraceptives and promote abortion in the largely Catholic Philippines.
In his homily during Mass, Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales stressed the sanctity of life as God’s greatest gift to man.
He said: “If life is not given value at any stage, whether as an infant, fetus, elderly, weak or strong, nobody would respect life. Once life loses importance and respect, man will be cheated, abused, lied to and robbed with impunity.”
Rosales reiterated the sacredness of marriage and sex.
“What they should teach is the purity of conscience, cleanliness of the heart, discipline and self-restraint and respect for money that is not theirs,” the Manila archbishop also said.
At its peak, Manila Police Director Chief Supt. Roberto Rongavilla estimated the crowd at 40,000.
“Obey God’s will. No to RH bill,” the crowd chanted. They also prayed the rosary.
Rhodora Emping, 56, of Binangonan, Rizal, a member of a contingent from her diocese, said she was against the RH bill because government funds that could be used to uplift the economy by addressing poverty would be used to buy contraceptives.
“The RH bill does not go by the Lord’s teachings. The funds to be allocated for that should be used for providing jobs to the poor. It will also breed immorality,” she told the Inquirer.
Maricris Celorio, 47, of Makati City, said she took part in the rally not only to register her protest against the bill but to pray for the disaster-stricken people in Japan as well as the three overseas Filipino workers facing execution in China on March 30.
Celorio said the RH bill was unnecessary and stressed that the youth’s curiosity in sex would only be aroused.
She said she had been married for five years and only bore one child without using contraceptives.
“That should be proof that it can be done through self-control,” Celorio said.
Time to confess, too
While others joined the rally, a few went to confession before two priests inside a nearby tent.
Fr. Charlie Aldema, of the diocese of Novaliches, noted that the rally coincided with the Feast of the Annunciation and Incarnation, and said that most of those who attended the demonstration did not have time to go to Church to make their confession.
“While people are waiting for the Mass, they could come here and confess,” Aldema said.
“We need healing and forgiveness of our sins as a reparation for the unborn children and the destruction of life,” he said.
“It is a beautiful day,” he said, adding: “The spirit really here now is of life.”

Source : 


Poverty is a tragic

Poverty is one of the problems we face off nowadays and it is the reason why people sacrifices in order to sustain their daily needs. During my elementary stage in life I suffered hunger in sympathetic and most of all to be left alone. Without knowing that my parents are working hard in order to give us good to eat, shelter to feel secure and clothing to feel comfortable. I cry and lay at the corner thinking about the things that would be the reason to lose my love for them. Time goes by and from a mind of discovering things develops into matured ones. I realize that they need to forgo things in order to give me my needs such as foods, clothing and especially EDUCATION. Now that I know what is the reason to those tragic in life and I feel pity with myself.

RH bill is an opportunity for well living

RH bill has been the topic in streets, schools and even in churches. Some people consider this as a solution for the problems we encounter every day. This becomes a solution because they consider overpopulation as the reason why many of the people cannot eat three meals a day. Most of them pointed out that if this bill will not approve by the congress what will happen to our future and also to the youth. As we all know, Philippines is just a small country with a boost up population of 105 millions. If this so, can the government support all those 105 million citizens if our resources are limited? The answer is in our hands, if we will not discipline ourselves, much tragedy would happen. We may come up with such questions like is there any place or space to build our own house? How can I support my family if all available jobs are already occupied? I think it is about time that the governments do something about population control else the whole country would suffer. It wasn't thought of before because we had enough resources for everyone. No one was complaining about not eating in a day or two. Until somebody finally woke up and faces the reality that every one of us tries to avoid. Percentages of unexpected pregnancies are higher than planned ones. The government has its right to create this for the welfare of everyone and also for a new world. We should be reasonable and be responsible. It's 2011 we should do what we have to do. Let us think and act maturely and open our eyes.

RH bill is not a solution

In churches, priests are promoting NO to RH bill. It is simply because Life is a Gift from God and RH bill will trigger to lessen God’s Gift. Moreover it has been stated in the bibles that go to the earth and multiply, that is why they are very concern about this kind of problems. Abortion would be legalized by law; it is so disappointing in my part that if we will let this bill to run through to become a law because youths would tend to do bad things because of curiosity. Also, if we are concerns in our health we will think of the effects of using contraceptives and that is CANCER. Moreover if I will become a parent someday I don’t want that my children ages 10-17 should be taught their sexual rights and the means to have a satisfying and "safe" sex life as part of their school curriculum. The calendar method or any other natural planning is a good way to preserve and conserve life to the fullest. Lastly, population is not the reason why we suffered from poverty, it is the government itself.

Everyone is entitled of their own opinion

The Reproductive health Bill is controversial, as it is being opposed by concerned citizens, especially the pro-life, pro-family and pro-God groups, regardless of creed or religion. But, let us not focus our selves in that issue, we must focus in working hard in order to sustain our family basic needs. If we want these arguments to stop, become an observant and an eye for people whom want to lessen poverty.

Martes, Mayo 10, 2011

Econ 111: Synthesis

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
John F. Kennedy

Our first idea for the play is to show the relationship between buyers and sellers, but because, after some thinking, we realized that this may be too broad for a couple –of-minute play. So, we decided to limit our topics into:
 1. Market forces of supply and demand and
 2. What the behavior of the buyers and sellers are when it comes to market economy.

Market is the place of Decision making

Market is a group of buyers and sellers of a particular goods and services. Thus, it affects the behavior of the sellers and buyers for survival. The opening of the play emphasizes the decision making between two buyers. Choosing or deciding on what product to buy highlights the routine of our fellow buyers. And same as the old times, deciding what goods to purchase before going to the specific market is a good technique to save time. Time is precious, so we must use it effectively and wisely.  As the play progresses technique and method of the sellers were introduced. Music, melodrama and even dances are performed by the seller in a perfectly competitive market. In the world of clothing, in order to sell all the products you need to have skills and well plan method. One method is the decreasing of price of a product to meet the demand of consumers. As the Law of demand states the quantity demanded of a good increase as the price falls. Similarly, this is related to the two sellers who are competing with each other and dropping the price of their goods makes a good impact for the consumers.

Sellers are Risk takers

As the third principles states, Rational People think at the margin; this explains the behavior of sellers and buyers in achieving their objectives. First let’s examine the behavior of the buyers in terms of their rationality. Buyers are important to the sellers in achieving their objectives in life. Somehow, they are very tough in terms of purchasing a certain product. In the play, the buyers are very observant on its surroundings. They scrutinize the price, quality of the product and even the number of buyers of that certain manufactured goods. Also, they make decision by comparing the cost and as well as following their taste in a purposely way. On the other hand, sellers become risk takers. They find ways to sell their products and to maximize profit.  Also, they do their best to attain their goals in a systematically way. Though singing and dancing in a public place is an awkward thing for the sellers but they must do it in order for them to convince and win more costumers.

Price as a catalyst for change

Incentive is something that induces a person to act.  On the play, price is the catalyst why buyers and sellers respond with each other. Buyers get confuse in deciding which stall to buy and sellers baffle on how they will encourage the buyers to acquire their stuffs. Moreover, the participation of the by passer destroy the strong foundation of the sellers toward the consumers. It is the reason why most of the manufactures gets angry and decrease the prices of their goods at a very large amount compared to the other sellers. The action of the buyers changes as they respond to incentive and deciding on what stall to purchase a product is solve. This concludes that the influence of prices on the behavior of the consumers is essential.

To the left, to the right

Markets is a place where people distinguish whether someone either acting so mysterious or seriously. The song price tag that was performed on stage stresses all of the things in this vast world have its own price tags. However, this does not mean that money can buy all the things in life though we can say that it becomes the gasoline for us to move. The song also emphasizes the mysterious actions of the sellers such as why they decrease prices on their stuffs and acting like weird people. Nevertheless, buyers are also accentuates as the serious people in the market that changes the attitude of the sellers.

Learning is an Earning.

This line stresses about the importance of economics in life. The passage tries to explain that we learn many things in economics; how to manage scarce resources while earning benefits for the everyday living. Moreover, we already examine the behaviors of the sellers and buyers and all the things behind the colorful world of market. These ideas become a strong foundation as we perform in our everyday lives. Finally, don’t let others steal your knowledge about this subject because learning economics is precious earnings. 

Linggo, Abril 24, 2011

No to another President Marcos

Philippine Daily Inquirer              
First Posted 22:58:00 04/15/2011

Filed Under: Heroism, Opinion surveys
I THANK Vice President Jojo Binay for the positive things he has been doing for our country, as confirmed by his high approval rating in a recent Pulse Asia survey.

On the burial of President Ferdinand Marcos’ remains in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, I implore him to listen to the voice of a Filipino with nothing to gain either politically or personally—apart from the hope of a continually progressive Philippines for future generations.

The issue is not just about the interment. (Does the forgive-and-forget-as-Christians-ought-to-do argument really carry weight in this case? Should historical sins against the Filipino people be simply forgiven and forgotten without justice—without even the slightest expression of remorse? Should a leader who allowed over 7,500 Filipinos to suffer human rights abuses be given a hero’s burial? Should a leader who left the Philippine economy in a dismal state—the effects of which we still feel to this day—be glorified?)

The issue is also about lending momentum to the undeniable presidential aspirations of Ferdinand’s son and junior, Senator Bongbong, and therefore the potential reinstatement of the Marcoses in the highest level of government. (We have yet to see evidence that the nation’s concerns take precedence over their family’s welfare. After all, once elected to the Senate, it did not take long for the son to lobby for the Libingan burial of his father.)

While Bongbong evidently sincerely condoled with the Aquino family—and laudably so—when President Cory Aquino passed away in 2009, it also won him significant goodwill among voters in the 2010 elections. At the time, it was perhaps just as well, because the politics of the father should not automatically be equated with the politics of the son.

However, Bongbong’s public pronouncements—particularly his claim that the Philippines could have been another Singapore under his father’s leadership—clearly reveal that he has his own, fanciful version of Philippine history. His version runs counter to the first-hand account of respected economist, Prof. Solita Monsod who served in the Cabinet of President Cory Aquino and described the economy after Marcos as being “in a shambles.” If Bongbong idealizes the leadership qualities of his father and sees nothing wrong with how the latter managed the Philippine economy, what is to stop him from taking the same path and making similar decisions as his father did?

When a US federal court recently awarded compensation to over 7,500 human rights victims under the Marcos regime, Bongbong claimed that the abuses were not ordered by his father. Doesn’t Bongbong realize that his father could have put a stop to the abuses? 

I send this letter to quietly convey my sentiments to the Vice President: please, do not help install another Ferdinand Marcos in MalacaƱang.




Seven thousand five hundred Filipinos died, economic depression rises and a stumpy standard of living has been achieved- these are the sufferings and results of Marcos administration. We don’t want this to happen again in the mere future, right? We suffered a lot from the hands of a lion; a lion that is hungry of the things surrounds him especially money. As the saying goes “Money is the root of evil” probably speaking that aphorism is true. Money leads people to cross the road to the place where every human right was being blazed. This happening makes people become braver in searching their rights in accordance with law. Though the people have greater leeway to attain this rights but why their standard of living has not been affected at all? Will this become the reason why many of us will engage in illegal deeds in order to live? These are questions that are rotating in my mind every time economy has been the subject of conversation.

No to another President Marcos; article written by Marsha Ledesma that struck me most about what kind of leader does the Philippines needs in order to reach its goals. As a matter of fact none of the goals to have a better society has either been achieved or executed in the Philippines.  Many years had been passed after the Marcos regime but the government has not yet doing its job so that problems will be lessened. Graft and corruption are the reason why I can say that our government is sleeping. Rich people ran to a higher position for them to get something in return. The distribution of scarce resources in the country results to inequality. The biggest share goes to the people’s representative while the remaining share in to the society. That’s why poor people become poorer and rich citizens continue in becoming wealthier nowadays. 

 Also, she emphasizes why President Marcos was buried in the Libingan ng mga Bayani that perhaps he cannot be called as a hero. I think he is the reason why Filipinos tormenting nowadays from economic depression. Moreover, the issue was not his entombment; it is about his junior Senator Bongbong Marcos that aspires to run for president in the next election. This matter gives an impact on what will happen in the future if another Marcos would lead the country. Will the death of the seven thousand five hundred Filipinos increase? Or the stumpy standard of living in the Philippines would soar? Whatever be the query related to the running of Bobong Marcos for president is just an opinion and may not be fact at all.

Furthermore, let’s not put in our hands regarding in what will happened if another Marcos will run for President. We don’t know what his plans for our country. The best we can do is observing all his doings in relation to the development for the economy. Though his father gives a great impact not just in the economy but also in our hearts however all what former President wants is to make our country a highly competitor in the production of goods and services. Also, as the matter of fact the economy on his time inflates because of trading and system of exporting, but due to his “baluktot” management many Filipinos decided to have people power revolution.

Democracy is the outcome of having this revolt. As a democratic country it is our right to choose, to vote and to decide for ourselves; and No to another president Marcos? Well let’s see if what will be the verdicts of the citizens regarding the question that struck me most.

Huwebes, Abril 14, 2011

Many Filipinos still jobless and poor, says report

By Marjorie Gorospe, loQal.ph
MANILA CITY, METRO MANILA- Many Filipinos in rural areas are still jobless, poor, hungry and vulnerable, according to a report from the Social Watch Philippines (SWP).
The SWP report also noted that ten years after the historic Millennium Summit where world leaders vowed to end extreme poverty by 2015, many Filipinos are still “left behind.”
These are mostly women in rural areas, Muslims in Mindanao, and members of indigenous tribes.
According to United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator to the Philippines Dr. Jacqueline Badcock, there are nine sectors in the country that have been left behind despite reported economic growth.
“With only five years remaining, we are shifting our focus to strategies that will allow us to breakthrough and accelerate the pace of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) achievement,” said Badcock in a forum, calling on Congress to “combat poverty head on”.
The official said women in rural areas remain at risk. These women continue to struggle because of the lack of capital, insufficient income, and absence of alternative or sustainable sources of livelihood.
She also cited the growing number of Filipinos between the ages of 15 and 24 who are forced quit school to work and help support their parents and young siblings.
Aside from women and out-of-school youths, small-scale fisherfolk and resource dependent workers also remain left behind.
Displaced Muslims are also becoming vulnerable as they struggle to have basic needs such as decent homes. These groups also lack capital to start a new livelihood, and do not have access to education and health services.
These groups are also vulnerable to the persistent threat of an armed conflict.
The rising number of Filipinos with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) should also be addressed. AIDS cases in the country have reached 5,729 as reported from 1984 to October 2010.


FOODS, SHELTER and CLOTHINGS are the basic needs of people in order to survive. These are things that are important for every one of us since without this stuff there would be no civilization that will occur in our society. It becomes the basis for every country whether it has a good or bad economy.

In this vast world thousands of problems are lining up in every people. Oil price hike is one of this problems and the reason why extreme poverty strikes in the Philippines. The continuous rising of prices results to  the increasing of all the basic needs of Filipinos especially the rice and even the toll fees and fares but the standard of living are still the same. If this so, most of the poor family cannot eat three meals a day for they don’t have enough money to support their family. Though the government is making moves to solve this problem but for the reason that we are overpopulated most of the families especially at the provinces are being forgotten by the administration and that is why our economic status is not good. In addition, unemployment is also one of the roots that deflate the economy of our country. If there are many inhabitants who don’t have job in our country because of their laziness and “bahala na” attitude, will they survive? What would be there source of income? If this will go on there is a greater chance that the economy of the Philippines would become similar to the economy of Zimbabwe.

People living under a bridge and even besides the rivers and streams captured my eyes every time I travel around the country. They are the citizens of the Philippines who don’t have good shelter for them to live a happy and peaceful life without any problems regarding on how they will survive if natural disasters happen in their life. This situation reflects the government on how it manages the economy of one society. What will be the first step to solve this problem? Who are the responsible for this situation? Can this be solved? There are many questions that need to be resolved in order to have a good economic status.
 Economic status demonstrates the standard of living in a society whether it’s poor or rich. Having a situation such as emphasized above means that Philippines is a poor country not because it doesn’t have enough resources to provide the people desires but because of the people whom managing the entire archipelago. Some of the leaders are corrupt that’s why the money and the things that would be for the people whom needing it goes to their own pockets.

Moreover, Education is very important for all of us so that we may become a successful citizens but as what I have observed nowadays many children  cannot read or write because at their early stage they are already involved in labor. As what Dr. Jose Rizal states that “the youth is the hope of our motherland”, will this become possible if our fellow Filipinos cannot communicate well with others for they are not well educated? Money is the best reason why this is happening in our country but if the leaders will open their minds of what are happening in the society this serious matter will be solved as soon as possible. Nowadays students are starving to have a good quality education in a cheaper price but as what is taking place these days tuition fees are increasing and the percentage of the students that could continue their studies are decreasing. What will happen to our country if these circumstances will continue for how many years? Will the hope become a misery? Let us find out if the government will do its job to have better lives for the hope of the motherland.

 On the other hand in order to achieved high standard of living  and to lessen these problems, we must work hard not just for ourselves but also for the youths in the next generation. Also,  people must be an observant  not only on the happenings in our country but also to our government who are the responsible of having this kind of livelihood.